Parish Council
The April 2024 Parish Council minutes are available in the Archives menu -

The Enford Newsletter Committee is asking for inputs on the format of the articles published in the newsletter - do readers prefer an un-justified format or a justified format? Please email your opinion to enfordnewsletter@gmail.com. Click on this link to view the two formats! here

The Enford Newsletter Committee is looking to recruit someone with the skills to re-design the current Newsletter website - to be more user-friendly, more secure. If that would be of interest to you email the Newsletter Committee at enfordnewsletter@gmail.com or Kim Riche at riche.kim@gmail.com for more info. here

Enford Church Electoral Roll - If you would like to be added to the Electoral Roll contact Lyn Riche at lashy52@gmail.com or 01980 670489.

Interested in different walks in Wiltshire? Click on this link to read more! here

Village Hall Online Booking - Provisional bookings for hire of Enford Village Hall can now be done on line. To make a booking, visit the bookings diary here

The latest Village Hall Annual and AGM Meeting Minutes are available. - Follow the links in Parish Archive/Documents.

Victim Support - Have you been affected by crime? See the Poster here

Enford Church - Find the PCC minutes and other church information here.

Enford Emergency Plan - Read the Flood and Snow Emergency Plan for Enford here.

Defibrillator - Read instructions for using the village defibrillator here.

Need A Lift? - Do you need a lift to come to events or clubs in the Village Hall? If you don't have transport or are worried about coming on your own, please call 01980 670501 or email enfordvillagehall@btinternet.com and we will try and arrange for someone to pick you up and take you home.
On This Page
Parish councillors are elected (normally every 4 years) to represent a geographical area known as a ward. The parish of Enford is divided into 2 wards (Enford North and Enford South). The North Ward (which has 3 seats) comprises East and West Chisenbury. The South Ward (which has 8 seats) comprises the rest of the parish.

Where seats become vacant in between elections, the remaining councillors may co-opt replacements as they see fit. Rules and procedures for electing and co-opting parish councillors are here. The seats are currently filled as follows:

Councillor Ward Responsibilities
Richard Roberts South Ward (Elected May 2017). Chairman.
Mark Hiskett South Ward (Elected March 2018). Vice Chairman, Public Rights of Way (PRoW), Parochial Church Council (PCC).
Rob Coultard South Ward (Co-opted June 2019). Highways, Transport and SID.
Anthony D'Arcy-Irvine North Ward (Elected May 2017). Village Hall and Tidworth Area Board representative.
Jane Young South Ward (Elected May 2017). Village Amenities, Youth Representative
Vick Exley South Ward (Co-opted May 2017). Police liaison and Neighbourhood Watch Scheme (NHW).
Peter Cliffe-Roberts South Ward (Elected May 2017). Planning Committee, Parish Hall
Pat Holdway South Ward (Elected May 2017).
Bruce Waight South Ward (Elected May 2017).
Charlotte Clark South Ward (Co-opted Mar 2020).
Elizabeth Harrison Communications, Clerk to the Enford Parish Council.

Meetings - Six or seven ordinary meetings of the Parish Council are held throughout the year, in addition to which there is one Annual General Meeting (AGM) and one Annual Parish Meeting (APM). Extraordinary meetings may also be held if required. Most meetings are held in the Parish Hall (although there has been a recent move to hold meetings in the Village Hall during the winter months), usually on a Wednesday evening, and dates are publicised in the newsletter and on the newsletter website.

Public Attendance - Members of the public may attend any meeting of the Parish Council, and may ask questions and raise issues during the public question time at the start of each meeting.

Minutes of Meetings - Minutes of meetings, accounts and other relevant information can be found on the Archive section of the newsletter website. Details of information, which Parish Councils are obliged to publish under the government transparency code, can be found here

Contact - Any enquiries should be made through the Parish Clerk, Mrs Elizabeth Harrison, at eabh@btinternet.com
Coming Up
Visit the Enford calendar, or read the latest newsletter, for details of all forthcoming events. Click the images below to see what's on in the Village Hall:

Film Night - Tue 23 Apr - One Life! starring Anthony Hopkins and Helena Bonham-Carter

Trailer for next film

Builth Wells Male Voice Choir with Salisbury Plain Military Wives Choir - Fri 17 May - 7:30PM

Trailer for next film

D-Day 80th Anniversary Bonfire/Beacon - 6 Jun, more to follow

Enford Fete - 22 Jun,