Useful Contacts
Click on this link to read the latest from Wiltshire Police regarding frauds and scams! here

Enford Church Electoral Roll - If you would like to be added to the Electoral Roll contact Lyn Riche at lashy52@gmail.com or 01980 670489.

Interested in different walks in Wiltshire? Click on this link to read more! here

Village Hall Online Booking - Provisional bookings for hire of Enford Village Hall can now be done on line. To make a booking, visit the bookings diary here

The latest Village Hall Annual and AGM Meeting Minutes are available. - Follow the links in Parish Archive/Documents.

Victim Support - Have you been affected by crime? See the Poster here

Enford Church - Find the PCC minutes and other church information here.

Enford Emergency Plan - Read the Flood and Snow Emergency Plan for Enford here.

Defibrillator - Read instructions for using the village defibrillator here.

Need A Lift? - Do you need a lift to come to events or clubs in the Village Hall? If you don't have transport or are worried about coming on your own, please call 01980 670501 or email enfordvillagehall@btinternet.com and we will try and arrange for someone to pick you up and take you home.
On This Page
Organisation Contact Information
Parish & Village
Parish Council clerk@enfordparishcouncil.gov.uk Elizabeth Harrison. See also the Parish Council web page www.enfordparishcouncil.gov.uk
Newsletter Committee enfordnewsletter@gmail.com  
Neighbourhood Watch Vick Exley 07870 189235  
Village Hall Bookings enfordvillagehall@btinternet.com You can also book by telephone on 01980 670501
Enford Community Fund Chris Rose email
All Saints Church www.avonriverteam.org.uk
Church Warden: Sue de Candole 01980 670731; Secretary: Tom Hunter 07973 867850 
Wiltshire Council www.wiltshire.gov.uk
0300 456 0100
Salisbury Plain
Plainwatch 01980 674951 email
HQ Salisbury Plain Training Area 01980 620819 Ops Room/Duty Officer. Complaints about low flying should be made to 0207 218 6020 or email to lowflying@mod.uk.
SPTA Walks Line 01980 674763 Details of access to MOD training areas.
Police - EMERGENCY 999  
Police - Non Emergency 101
The old number (0845 408 7000) is being phased out. 
Devizes Police Control Room 01380 735735  
Tidworth Neighbourhood Police Team 101
Ludgershall and Rural Neighbourhood Policing Team consists of:
PC 1719 Tim Bunt
PCSO 6078 Maria Downham
Pewsey Police Station Call 101 and ask to be transferred to the Pewsey Neighbourhood Policing Team. Police station is not manned continuously.
MOD Police 01980 603099  
Police and Crime Commissioner www.wiltshire-pcc.gov.uk/
01380 734022
Crimestoppers 0800 555 111
Call anonymously with any information about crime.
RSPCA 0300 1234 99 Report animal cruelty.
Medical - EMERGENCY 999  
NHS Direct 0845 4647 Telephone advice and assistance.
Upavon Surgery 01980 630221 www.avonvalleypractice.com  
Durrington Surgery 01980 652378  
Larkhill Medical Centre 01980 845266  
Salisbury District Hospital 01722 336262  
NHS Free Smoking Helpline 0800 022 4332  
Fire - EMERGENCY 999  
Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service www.wiltsfire.gov.uk
enquiries@ wiltsfire.gov.uk
01380 723601
Social Services
Devizes 01380 730055  
Amesbury 01980 664980  
Other Emergencies & Utilities
Gas 0800 111 999  
Environmental Agency 0800 80 70 60  
Flood Line 0845 9881188  
Electricity/Power Cuts 08000 72 72 82  
Water 0845 600 4 600 Leakstoppers - 0800 692 0 692
Sewage flooding - 0845 850 5 959
CLARENCE 0800 232323
01225 77234
Street lights, traffic lights, pavements  and roads hot line.
Waste Collection & recycling calendar ilforms.wiltshire.gov.uk/WasteCollectionDays/index
0300 456 0100
Refurbiz 01380 720200 
Domestic Appliance Re-cycling Charity. Wiltshire-wide collection and delivery service.
Scouts, Cubs and Beavers
Upavon Scout Group www.1upavonscoutgroup.co.uk
01980 630887
Parents should contact us to add their youth(s) to our joining lists before coming along.
Schools and Libraries
Schools Admissions 01225 713010  
Pewsey Childrens Centre 01672 562351 Open between 8am-6pm to all families in the Pewsey Community Area with children aged 0-5 years.
All Saints Primary, Netheravon 01980 670339  
Rushall C of E Primary 01980 630360  Headteacher Marion Harvey.
St Michael's C of E Primary, Figheldean 01980 670268  
Avon Valley College, Durrington 01980 652467  
Pewsey Vale Secondary 01980  585000  
Netheravon Library 01980 670018 Open on Mondays from 1pm -7pm and on Thursdays from 1pm-5pm. 
Information & Assistance
Rail Travel Enquiries 08457 484950  
Register Office Near Me website Locate the Register Office Nearest to you.
Citizens Advice Bureau 0844 375 2775  
SSAFA 01980 632567
Experienced, non-judgmental and friendly advice for serving and ex-members of the armed forces and their families.
Housing Options Team 01380 724911 Confidential advice and assistance for people with money problems and/or facing reposession or eviction.
Connect2 Service 01380 860100 A demand-responsive bus and taxi service run by Wiltshire council. For people living in remote areas.
LINK 01980 594857
Durrington & District scheme offering a good neighbour service to local people who are in need either because they are elderly, disabled, single parents or perhaps are temporarily in need because of illness.
Wiltshire Wheels to Work 01380 722475 (ask for Liam Tatton-Bennett or Sheila Martin) A scheme which provides 50cc scooters, rider training and equipment on a short-term, not-for-profit basis to local people who would otherwise be unable to access work or workbased learning in Wiltshire. The scheme is run by Community First.
Community First - Bulk Oil Scheme Kirsty Cross, enfordoil@btinternet.com, 01980 670213 A scheme that has been set up to help purchasers of central heating oil to make savings by buying in bulk. The scheme is run by Community First.
City Hall Salisbury 01722 434434
Ticket Office
Salisbury Playhouse 01722 320333
Ticket Office
Salisbury Arts Centre 01722 343020
Ticket Office
Places To Visit
Avebury Circle www.nationaltrust.org.uk  
Longleat www.longleat.co.uk  
Salisbury & South Wilts Museum www.salisburymuseum.org.uk  
Stonehenge www.english-heritage.org.uk  
Stourhead www.nationaltrust.org.uk  
Coming Up
Visit the Enford calendar, or read the latest newsletter, for details of all forthcoming events. Click the images below to see what's on in the Village Hall:

The Swan Grand Re-opening Fri 2 Aug, 6:00PM onwards

Film Night - Tue 17 Sep - Eric Ravifious: Drawn to War! starring Paris Agar, Alan Bennett and Anne Desmet.

Trailer for next film

Lecture: Drones in Warfare, Thu 26 Sep, 6:30 for 7:30, £10 benefitting the Army Benevolent Fund, Enford Village Hall

Enford Bonfire & Fireworks, Sat 26 Oct, more info in the Sep newsletter

Enford Christmas Fayre, Sat 16 Nov, 1-4, and for more information about having a table please contact Paula, Lyn or Mary.